Volume 10 Number 3 - 4 July - December 2022 |
1Mohammed A, 2Mohammed U , 2Abubakar N |
BACKGROUND: Research and literature on orofacial tumours are seldom reported in this part of the world. This study will describe the histopathological features of orofacial tumours seen in a tertiary institution in northern Nigeria. AIMS/OBJECTIVE: To study the pattern of tumours of orofacial region in a tertiary institution in northern Nigeria and compare it with other centres. METHOD: This is a retrospective study in which surgical biopsy specimens seen over 7 year period were reviewed with respect to age, sex, site and histopathological characteristics. RESULTS: Of the 192 lesions of orofacial region that were diagnosed during the study period, there were 24(12.5%) odontogenic and 168(87.5%) of non-odontogenic tumours of which63 (32.8%) were benign and 105 (54.7%) malignant non-odontogenic tumours.The age rangefor odontogenic tumour was 12 year to 54 year, commonly seen in the second decade of life with a male to female ratio of 1.4:1. Ameloblastoma was the most common form 91.7 % .The benign non- odontogenic tumour consist of epithelial (30.2%), vascular tumours (30.2%), bone tumours (23.8%), fibrous and adipose tissue tumours (12.7%)) and neurogenic tumours(3.2%). It is predominantly seen in men with a male to female ratio of 1.25:1. Their ages range from 18 years to 54 years.On the other hand of benign non-odontogenic tumous, Pleomorphic adenoma forms 19.1% Which is the most common.Malignant non-odontogenic tumours are predominantly seen in male with male to female ratio of 1.3:1 and it is commoner in fifth, fourth and third decades of life with age range of12 years to 84 years. Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common malignant non-odontogenic tumourin both males and females and these constitute44.8%. CONCLUSION:Tumours of the orofacial region are diverse and are fairly common. This study have demonstrated that squamous cell carcinoma and ameloblastoma are the most common malignant nonodontogenic and benign odontogenic tumours seen res |
10.47837/cmj.19770126.nma.20164347122 |
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