This is publication of Nigerian Medical Association Sokoto state chapter. It provide forum for authors working in Africa and rest of International community particularly developing countries to deserminate their research findings in all aspect of Medicine and allied sciences throughout the globe.
Frequency: Quaterly (March, June, September and December)
Status: Printable and Online
The mission of Caliphate Medical Journal (a peer-review publication of Nigerian Medical Association Sokoto state Chapter) is to educate clinicians, improve the quality of patients' care, disserminate research findings in medicine and allied sciences and promote exchange of information in clinical and biochemical sciences. The journal will publish its issues regularly and will ensure their prompt didtribution to all subcribers and libraries worlwide.
The journal will publish articles in medicine and allied sciences from Africa and elsewere, which have bearing to health care delivery particularly in developing countries.
Papers will be published under the following sections:
Corresponding authors will receive galley proofs of their manuscripts for proof-reading and must be returned within 72 hours. Corrections should be limited to typesetting errors as any other change in the manuscript at this stage will be unacceptable.
All manuscripts submitted to the journal will be sent to two independent experts in that field for review. The Editorial Board shall re-review and edit manuscripts accepted for publication for length, grammatical correctness and journal style.
The criteria for authorship are as expressed in the Uniform Requirement (1) which state that “authorship credit should based only on substantial contribution to” :
Authors listed in the manuscript should meet the above criteria. On the order hand, those who meet criteria for authorship should not be excluded.
All measurements should be expressed in System International (SI) units.
The protocol for any investigations or studies on humans should be approved by the local ethical committee or relevant authority on ethical issues. Consent should be obtained from the patient for such studies. A statement to this effect should be included in the manuscript. If investigators have no access to an ethic committee, the principles outlined in the Helsinki Declaration (2) should be followed. The use of patient's names, initials or hospital numbers should be avoided. Where a patient may be identified from an illustration or the text, written permission must be obtained from the patient and be submitted along the manuscript. Animal experiments must follow the institution's guidelines on the use of laboratory animals in research.
Authors should provide a clear statement regarding any conflict of interests. They should list all financial support, including equipment and drugs on the title page . Reviewers should also inform the editor of any possible conflict of interest.
On acceptance of the manuscript, all authors should sign the copyright form. The Caliphate Medical Journal reserves exclusive copyright of all published papers.
Reprints are not free. Authors can order for reprints (using the journal's order form) at the time of acceptance of their manuscript at a cost which will be indicated at that time.
An electronic copy of the manuscript in .doc or docx format can be submitted online via
The references should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. They should be in Vancouver style, as laid down in the “Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals (1)”. Include the names of all authors except if more than six when the first six should be listed followed by et al. Articles in journal should be written as follows : Each author's surname followed by initials of other names, title, journal (abbreviated as in Index Medicus or written in full if the journal is not indexed), the year of publication, volume number and the first & last pages. A chapter in a book should be referenced as follows : author(s)' surname and initials, chapter title, editor(s), book title, edition, publisher, place of publication, year of publication and pages. If the reference is from a book, the author(s)' surname and initials should be followed by book title, edition, publisher, place of publication and pages. Abstracts should be avoided and authors are responsible for the accuracy of all references quoted.
Tables & Illutrations (Figures or Pictures)
Each table should be on a separate page, typed double-spaced, numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and have appropriate title. Vertical internal lines should be avoided. Horizontal parallel lines should be limited to three: the table number and title should be placed above the first line, column headings above the second line and all the data above the third line. Illustrations should be submitted in the jpeg format (or MS word of good size and high resolution) or glossy prints (not to be mounted). Each illustration should be appropriately titled and numbered in consecutive order. References should be made to tables and illustrations in the Results or Discussion in parenthesis.
Case Reports and Brief Communications
Examples of these include unique case reports, clinical experience, reports of adverse drug reactions, and short reports of original research. The text should not exceed 1,500 words, 3 illustrations, 1 table and 15 references. The format should include an unstructured abstract of not more than 150 words followed by introduction, the report, discussion, references and illustration .
Medical Education
This includes important innovations in medical education for clinicians as well as continuing professional improvement. Text length and other requirements are as for original research articles.
Letters to the Editor may be on matters concerning clinical observation, other matters of clinical relevance or reactions to articles published in the journal. Each letter should not exceed 600 words, 5 references, 2 illustrations and/or tables. Letters related to manuscripts previously published in the journal must be received within eight weeks of the article publication. Accepted letters may be edited before publishing.
Corresponding authors will receive galley proofs of their manuscripts for proof-reading and must be returned within 72 hours. Corrections should be limited to typesetting errors as any other change in the manuscript at this stage will be unacceptable.
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts submitted to the journal will be sent to two independent experts in that field for review. The Editorial Board shall re-review and edit manuscripts accepted for publication for length, grammatical correctness and journal style.
Criteria for Authorship
The criteria for authorship are as expressed in the Uniform Requirement (1) which state that “authorship credit should based only on substantial contribution to” :
Authors listed in the manuscript should meet the above criteria. On the order hand, those who meet criteria for authorship should not be excluded.
Units of Measurements
All measurements should be expressed in System International (SI) units.
Ethical Issues
The protocol for any investigations or studies on humans should be approved by the local ethical committee or relevant authority on ethical issues. Consent should be obtained from the patient for such studies. A statement to this effect should be included in the manuscript. If investigators have no access to an ethic committee, the principles outlined in the Helsinki Declaration (2) should be followed. The use of patient’s names, initials or hospital numbers should be avoided. Where a patient may be identified from an illustration or the text, written permission must be obtained from the patient and be submitted along the manuscript. Animal experiments must follow the institution’s guidelines on the use of laboratory animals in research.
Conflict of Interests
Authors should provide a clear statement regarding any conflict of interests. They should list all financial support, including equipment and drugs on the title page . Reviewers should also inform the editor of any possible conflict of interest.
On acceptance of the manuscript, all authors should sign the copyright form. The Caliphate Medical Journal reserves exclusive copyright of all published papers.
Reprints are not free. Authors can order for reprints (using the journal’s order form) at the time of acceptance of their manuscript at a cost which will be indicated at that time.
Manuscript Submission
An electronic copy of the manuscript can be submitted at our website:
Submission Fee
Each manuscript should be accompanied by a non- refundable processing fee of ten thousand naira (N10,000) or its equivalent in US dollars. This should be in a bank draft or certified cheque, made payable to Caliphate Medical Journal. Payment can also be directly into the journals account at First Bank Nig. Plc., Abdullahi Fodio Road, Sokoto. Account Name: Caliphate Medical Journal, Account No. 2023011144. Manuscripts submitted without this fee will not be processed. Upon acceptance, authors are expected to pay a publication fee of sixty five Thousand Naira Only (N65,000.00).
Note : The contents of each published manuscript are the opinion and responsibility of the author(s). They do not reflect the opinion or policy of the journal.